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Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 21(4): 403-408, jun. 2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-777700


Introdução: Os (Los) pacientes internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) estão expostos a fatores deletérios ao seu (están expuestos a factores nocivos para su) estado clínico. Apesar dos estudos demonstrarem que a mobilização precoce do (de que los estudios demostraron que la movilidad tempranadel) paciente promova uma diminuição dos efeitos deletérios do imobilismo (de la inmovilidad), proporcionando uma melhor evolução clínica, alguns profissionais da saúde ainda se mostram receososem (de la salud todavía muestran recelo a) mobilizar pacientes sob ventilação mecânica (VM) e acabampor restringir esses indivíduos à (y los reducen a la) inatividade. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto e a segurançada (Evaluar el impacto y la seguridad de la) implementação de programas de mobilização precoce empacientes internados em UTI, através da sistematização das (de la sistematización de las) evidências científicas publicadas nos últimos dez anos (en los últimos diez años). Métodos: Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática de ensaios clínicos randomizados publicados em periódicos indexados nas bases de dados (indizados en las bases de datos) PubMed, PEDro, Science Direct, LILACS, usando os descritores IntensiveCare Unit and Early Mobilization and Rehabilitation. A qualidade metodológica dos estudos foi avaliada pela (de los estudios fue evaluada por la) Escala de Jaddad. Resultados: Foram encontrados 198 artigos potencialmente relevantes, sendo que destes, apenas 4 foram (de éstos, apenas cuatro fueron) selecionados por atenderem aos critérios de incluso (por cumplimentar los criterios de inclusión).

Patients in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are exposed to factors that are harmful to their clinical status. Al-though studies have shown that early mobilization of patients results in reduction of the harmful effects of immobility, providing better clinical outcomes, some health professionals are still not comfortable with mobilizing patients who are on mechanical ventilation (MV) and end up restricting such individu-als to inactivity. Objective: To assess the impact and safety of the implementation of early mobilization programs in ICU patients through the systematic review of scientific evidence published throughout the past ten years. Methods: A systematic review was carried out on randomized controlled trials published in journals indexed in the databases PubMed, PEDro, Science Direct and LILACS, applying the descriptors Intensive Care Unit and Early Mobilization and Rehabilitation. The methodological quality of the stud-ies was assessed by the Jaddad Scale. Results: 198 potentially relevant papers were found; only 4 that met the inclusion criteria were selected. Conclusion: Through this systematic review, it was possible to conclude that early mobilization programs are safe, improve the functional performance of patients in the ICU, reduce the incidence of delirium, and decrease the time of MV and hospital stays. However, it is important to note that the currently available level of evidence concerning the impact of early mobiliza-tion on relevant clinical outcomes, such as length of stay in ICU, hospital mortality and long-term survival is still low and limited, requiring, therefore, further prospective studies.

Humans , Early Ambulation , Critical Care , Rehabilitation , Length of Stay